Shabbat Service
Friday Evening 3/11/22
Shabbat Service Friday Evening 3/11/22
At over 91 feet long, it’s more than the length of a basketball court … or the width of Noah’s ark. And it took Israeli artist Avner Moriah 15 years — and more than one million brushstrokes — to complete. No wonder it won the Guinness World record for longest Megillah in the world!
Join us on Friday, March 11 for a special Shabbat Zachor as we prepare for Purim, with Avner himself unfurling the Megillah.
Welcome to Temple Emanu-El. Whether near or far, we’re glad you could join our congregational family to welcome Shabbat with us. Services are every Friday at 6:00 PM and Saturday at 10:30 AM.
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